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Nuxurka Ay Xambaarsan Tahay Daraasad Qarsoodi Ah Oo La Iskugu Soo Dhawaynayo Wada Hadalka Somaliland iyo Somalia

Hargeysa(Boramapost) Hay’adda Conflict Dynamics International, oo fadhigeedu yahay Cambridge ayaa daraasad hor dhac ah oo uu sanadkii dhamaaday soo bandhigay wuxuu ku shaaciyay qorsheyaal la iskugu soo dhawayn karo Somaliland iyo Somalia.

Daraasaddan ayaan la ogayn in Somaliland qayb ka tahay balse waxaa laga dheehanayaa inay ku jirto maadaama daraasaddu ku salaysan tahay talooyin iyo ikhtiyaaro la iskugu soo dhawaynayo Somaliland iyo somalia, waxaana sidoo kale lagu xusay wada hadalada socda.
Daraasaddan ayaa xoogga saaraysa sidii talo ku haboon oo la iskugu keeno Somalia gudaheeda iyo Waliba Somaliland iyo Somalia looga bixin lahaa 6 Qodob oo kala ah Qaabka ugu haboon ee Qaab dhismeedka Siyaasadeed iyo Maalmul daadejinta,Hanaanka doorashada,Dheelitirka Waaxda Fulinta, Waaxda Sharci dejinta,Ka qayb qaadashada dadweynaha iyo isku habaynta dhaqanka iyo Caadada.
Daraasaddan ayaa sidoo kale lagu sheegay in la iskugu soo dhaweynayo Fikraddaha iyo danaha kala duwan ee Shakhsiyaadka,bulshooyinka,iyo Kooxaha Soomaalida ah.
Daraasadda waxaa loogu mahadceliyay Soomaali badan oo ku biiriyay Caqliyadda iyo fikraddaha ay hayaan,kuwaasi oo darafyo ka ah qorshaha ay soo bandhigayso Daraasaddani.
Haddaba wargeyska Himilo ee fadhigiisu Hargaysa yahay ayaa xidhiidh la sameeyay agaasimaha machadkan Conflict Dynamics, Mr Paul Simkin, oo la waydiiyay ujeedada daraasaddan iyo inay qayb ka yihiin Masuuliyiinta Somaliland, waxaanu sheegay inaanay awood u lahayn inay bulshada u bandhigaan waxyaabaha ay Masuuliyiinta labada dhinac la wadaagayaan maadaama arrintani tahay mid qarsoon “Taageerada Hay’adda Conflict dynamics ee hawshan waxaanu u samaynaa qaab  qarsoodi ah,suurto galna maaha inaanu idin la wadaagno fikraddaha dhinacyada aanu la shaqayno” ayuu yidhi Mr Paul.
Agaasimaha hay’addani waxa uu sheegay in masuuliyadda ka warbixinta ay yeelan karaan hogaamiyeyaasha Somaliland iyo Somalia “Haddii hogaamiyeyaasha Somaliland ama Somalia jecelyihiin inay idinla wadaagaan fikradahooda waxaan kugula talin lahaa inaad toos ula xidhiidho iyaga,xal waara waxa uu ka iman karaa keliya shacabka iyo hogaamiyayaasha somaliland iyo somalia” ayuu yidhi Mr Paul.
Hay’addan ayaa laga dheehanayaa daraasaddeeda inay soo jeedinayso in hanaanka federaalka Somalia keenay guulo ku wajahan amaanka iyo ka bixida dawlad ku meel gaadh ah,sidaas darteeda ay haboon tahay in la sameeyo hanaan maamul daadajineed oo hanaanka federalka ku salaysan, in qaabka doorashada laga dhigo mid yeelan kara Koodo meelaha qaar si awooda loo qaybsido, in hanaanka go’aan qaadashada ee fulinta ay ka jirto isku dheelitiri dhinacyada ah iyo arrimo kale oo dhamaantood ku saabsan awood qaybsiga Somalia lagu midayn karo.
Daraasaddan oo si aada loogu soo lafo guray Qorsheyaal iyo qaabab ku salaysan hanaan federal oo sida muuqata lagu midayn karo Somaliland iyo Somalia waxaanu idiin soo gudbinaynaa Gabogabadii Daraasadda oo Luuqadda Ingiiriga ku qoran:
6. Conclusion
Somalia and Somaliland face the critical task of establishing viable governance arrangements that will foster long-term peace, growth, and build upon a shared Somali culture. The recent history of Somalia and Somaliland has set clan against clan and institutionalized mistrust and conflict. To move away from this destructive past to a more peaceful and prosperous future can only be achieved within systems and processes that take account of the varied interests and objectives of all Somali people. The political accommodation approach offers a means to help design governance systems and processes that can help mutual conciliation. Taking a whole system approach and looking for opportunities for political accommodation across the six strands increases the chance of a successful outcome. Processes and systems that focus only on one aspect of governance, or which fail to take account of the multiple interests of Somali people and communities, have a much more limited chance of bringing sustainable peace. As this Briefing Paper has found, many of the existing legal frameworks across Somaliland and Somalia, while not yet fully accommodating of different interests, do have the potential to be refined to reflect agreements reached - be they between Somalia and Somaliland or within Somalia.
The constitutional frameworks of the Provisional Federal Constitution, the Somaliland Constitution, and the Puntland Constitution allow for adaptation to increase the opportunities for political accommodation within those frameworks, and between the different entities. Whatever arrangements the Somali people decide to adopt, they need to reflect the history, culture, and traditions of the Somali people. Other contexts offer ideas but to be successful the solutions adopted by the Somali people must be rooted in Somali experience. A necessary next stage of this process is focused dialogue, informed by the reality of the Somali situation and by ideas from other parts of the world, to find ways to accommodate political interests between Somaliland and Somalia and within and between Somalia’s constituent entities, including Puntland and communities in southern and central regions. Regions and central authorities need to agree among themselves a process for the establishment of new entities, and means to resolve territorial disputes between emerging and existing authorities.
The six possible option categories that Somali people and leaders may find useful to consider range from a decentralized unitary State at one end, to separate States interacting through treaties and international organizations at the other. When examining the opportunities for political accommodation within these option categories it is important to remember that accommodation needs to happen not only between Somalia and Somaliland but also within all political units.
The option categories demonstrate that there are many ways to accommodate varied, and even competing, interests and that openness to different approaches has helped other societies form strong and responsive political units and arrangements. Long-term stability requires the continuation of dialogue and reconciliation within and between Somalia and Somaliland. The spectrum of option categories presented in this Briefing Paper are designed to offer additional substantive content for this dialogue process, in the expectation that interlocutors from across Somalia and Somaliland can begin to find common ground within those technical components.
As Somali people and leaders consider the future, it is important to remember that governance arrangements gain legitimacy through the support of the people and the reliability of rule of law. In considering a process to refine existing governance frameworks, and to create new ones, Somali leaders will need an approach that is inclusive and iterative. Existing processes between the Federal Government of Somalia and the Government of Somaliland, between Hargeisa and Garowe, or Garowe and Mogadishu, and processes to establish federal member states south of Puntland are all interconnected and will impact on one another. The best means to ensure that this does not result in conflict is to ensure that all processes are accommodating. This Briefing Paper offers ideas to inform ongoing processes within and between Somalia and Somaliland, it does not offer recommendations but suggests approaches that could lead to a more sustainable peace.


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